What I did in May - Part 1
1. Attended birthday party at Aunty Linda's... celebrating all the May babies!
Check out the SUPER retro cake.. it's butter cream instead of fresh cream. Yummmiee~~~ Mommy had 2 slices, and we brought some home too!
2. Lazed at home.....
Me with my favourite toy.. Thank you Aunty Mabel. Mommy thanks you too cos it keeps me occupied for 5 *WHOLE* mins! hahahaaa~~
Oops.. forgot to add that it's manually operated.. Mommy, please spin and press for music to start again.
***ROARR**** me pretending to be a lion..
Bath times are my fav cos I get back rubs after that from Daddy.
Look retro or not??! Surrounded by my little furry friends!
My chewing gum....